Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hello Again

I almost forgot I had this...

   Two years ago, I began this blog to post my thoughts and share my favorite things with others...

Then left it alone.

Why? Why did I begin something so important, then abandon it? I think maybe because I felt like I didn't have much to say. Along with the fact that maintaining a blog proved to be a rather daunting task for someone going through grad school at the time, and all I did was sit in front of the computer. I did not want to do that for much else.

So two years have passed...
I am now 50. I celebrated my 50th in a big way by inviting friends and family over for a wine tasting party. It was a delightful and memorable occasion, where Stella Rosa did make an appearance as a good natured ribbing by my sister!  Everyone laughed and then rushed to open the bottle. They love that stuff!

But all in all, it was a great time and a fun learning experience for everyone. We all found new favorites and a few we didn't like, and I acquired a respectable cache of wine that has lasted me through the summer.

My birthday cake!

Looking back on my life, I can honestly say that I have no intention of
My little Babu loves his Gigi!
slowing down. I have learned many valuable lessons that I take into this second half that will only aid in creating more successful adventures along the way. The most important things that carry me is knowing that I am loved and valued, that making your dreams come true is nobody's job but yours, and that your word really and truly is all you have. Using that word to bless others is the sweetness in life, and in turn, God abundantly blesses you.

Me and my sweetie Goinstrong!

I now have my MBA, I have a grandson, Jimmy and I have celebrated 25+ years together, and my skills as a photographer have improved enough to give me confidence to embark on more creative projects. I also have grown rather unconcerned with what people think about me, yet have become more mindful of what I think about others. Wisdom comes with age, and youth is wasted on the young, they say. While that may be true, I intend to stay young at heart, stretching to the horizons and living life with a capital L. Like my husband Jimmy says, "We aren't getting out of here alive!" I am going to ride it all the way, until the wheels fall off!

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